Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
Medicare, including Sick Room for use of the students suddenly falling sick during school hours, is ensured.

Well experienced and qualified doctors are on the panel of the school, who are immediately contacted for extending medicare.

Medical checkup of the students is done annually.

The students are motivated towards nutritious food covering fibres, salad, sprouted grains, grams etc. so that they remain physically fit . For this purpose, we seek co-operation of our Naturopathy Centre whose doctors take sessions on this issue and also provide the material to the students.

In case of emergency, the doctor on the panel of the school, immediately attend the students. School also arranges for regular periodical medical check-ups by specialists in ENT, ophthalmology, paediatrics and dental diseases. Parents are informed, if doctors find that a child needs special medical attention. A health card of child showing height and weight progress is also maintained. 
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