Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
School Traditions

Each child of the school should take pride in observing the following traditions:

  • As soon as you enter the school, you must offer prayers to Maa Saraswati.
  • To accept whole heartedly the work or duty assigned to you as your dutiful and rightful share. 
  • To stand and wish when any teacher, HM, VP, Principal, Management Members enter any class room. 
  • To wish and greet elders outside also, where ever you happen to be. 
  • To be friendly with one another inside the classrooms, in and outside the school premises.

    It's Your School-Keep It Clean

  • Toilets/ wash place/ bathrooms should be properly used. 
  • Do not write anything on walls/tables/doors. 
  • Switch off fans/lights when not in use before leaving your classroom/school. 
  • Do not litter the classes, corridors or play ground with rubbish, waste material or paper bits. 
  • Close the taps tightly and do not waste water from water cooler. 
  • Always use dustbins for disposing rubbish and waste material.
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