Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
School Transport

The school provides transportation facility to the children at reasonable charges. The buses will pick up the students from allotted bus stops & drop them after the school hours at the same stop. If a student discontinues the facility and wants to re-avail it after some time, during the same academic year, she will have to make payment for the gap period.

  • All the students using the school bus should reach the stop at least five minutes before the arrival time of bus.
  • Under no circumstance, will the buses wait for late comers.
  • No student should come near the entry door of the bus unless it has made a complete halt. Same is to be followed at the time of getting down.
  • Students are not permitted to stand inside the bus and no part of their body should be seen outside the bus when it is moving.
  • The driver is authorized to stop the bus only at the designated stop or as directed by the bus-in-charge.
  • The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience & safety of all bus users and is changed when there is a genuine reason.
  • The school management reserves the right for changing the stops after careful judgment and feasibility.
  • Objects should not be thrown in or outside the bus.
  • Students are not allowed to shout, scream, strike, or use foul abusive language in the bus. Courteous behaviour is expected from all sitting in the bus, otherwise the bus facility will be withdrawn.
  • Students will be held responsible for any damage done in the bus. The driver's attention must not be distracted for any reason.
  • The teachers commuting in the bus and the bus monitors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses.
  • The parents are requested to pick up their ward from the bus stop while dropping otherwise the child will be brought back to school and the parent will have to collect the child from the school on his own.
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