Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
Attendance & Leave
  • Leave of absence will be granted by the Principal for genuine reasons and only with a prior written application signed by the parents. This leave absence is to be entered in the record page of the school diary duly signed by the parent/ guardian.
  • A student who is suffering from or exposed to infectious or contagious diseases, will not be allowed to attend the school. Appointment with doctors should be made after the school hours.
  • In case of longer period of absence on medical grounds, it is to be supported by a medical certificate. However, the Principal/VP/HM must be informed regarding the nature of illness and number of days the student is likely to be absent from the school.
  • Repeated absence or unexplained absence for more than fifteen consecutive days renders the students to have their name struck off from the rolls. In case of re-admission, the required re-admission fee is to be paid. Avoid taking leave without permission.
  • Every student is expected to maintain a record of 75% attendance during the year.
  • The students will not be allowed to leave the premises once they enter the school, until the school gets over.
  • Half-day leave is discouraged and is not granted on any grounds whatsoever.
  • Leave taken for mere social functions is not recommended as it breaks the routine progress of the child and leaves the child behind compared to others.
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