Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
Shaping Careers, Shaping Lives: A Comprehensive Counselling Seminar
13-Sep- 2024
On September 13th, 2024, Shaheed Hemu Kalani educational society organized a comprehensive career guidance seminar, featuring a motivational and counselling session for students and parents of classes IX and X of Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public school and Mithi Gobindram Public school and students of Children's Hope India. Renowned career counsellor Mr. Jean Thomas John led the esteemed event, which was attended by distinguished dignitaries, including Shraddhey Siddh Bhauji, Chairman, SHKES, Shri Ghanshyam Boolchandani, Secretary, SHKES, Shri Gopal Girdhani, Academic Director, SHKES, Ms. Amrita Motwani, Principal, NHLPS,
Mr. Ajay Bhadur, Principal, MGPS, Teachers and staff members.

The session began with a warm welcome address by Harshita Rawat, School Captain, NHLPS. The primary objective of the session was to introduce students to the diverse career options available in today's dynamic landscape. Mr. John's presentation was profoundly enriching, illuminating, and elucidative, engaging the audience in an interactive discussion. Students received personalized feedback and solutions to their specific concerns, deepening their understanding of their career aspirations.

The event concluded with a ceremonial offering of shawl and shrifal to the guests, followed by a vote of thanks by Krishna Sitlani, School Captain, MGPS. The seminar was a resounding success, with attendees praising Mr. John's insightful presentation and valuable guidance.

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