Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
Career Counselling Session at Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
10-Sep- 2024
A career counselling session for students of Std. Xl & Xll was held at Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School, led by Ms. Surabhi Agarwal, a Chartered Accountant and resource person from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The session aimed to provide students with an overview of the Chartered Accountancy (CA) course, its structure and the career opportunities it offers.

 Students were guided in making informed decisions about their future careers, especially those interested in commerce and accounting. The resource person emphasized the importance of dedication, hard work and a strong foundation in mathematics and accounting for those aspiring to become Chartered Accountants.
 Insights into the practical aspects of the CA profession, including articleship training, which is a mandatory three-year work experience under a practicing Chartered Accountant were given along with highlights of diverse career paths available to CAs, such as corporate finance, auditing, taxation and advisory services. The students were encouraged to consider the CA course as a challenging yet rewarding career option that offers both personal and professional growth.

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