Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
Cybersecurity Workshop at Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School
9-Sep- 2024
To create awareness and educate students about the importance of cybersecurity, the risks associated with online activities, and best practices to ensure safety in the digital space, a session on Cyber Security was conducted at the Navnidh Auditorium which was attended by students of Std. Xl & Xll of Navnidh Hassomal Lakhani Public School and Mithi Gobindram Public School. 
The session was led by Ms. Aasia Shaheen, a renowned expert in cybersecurity, who has extensive experience in the field and has been actively involved in educating young minds on the importance of safe digital practices.
During the session,  the  key topics discussed were,  
understanding Cyber Threats:  like hacking, data breaches, online scams and their impact on personal and financial safety.

Safe Online Practices: Practical tips on creating strong passwords, recognizing suspicious emails and links, and maintaining privacy on social media were given. 

Digital Citizenship:Emphasis was laid on ethical online behavior and respecting digital boundaries, encouraging responsible digital citizenship.

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